Migration laws may split up iraqi family units, which may further complicate matters. It is impossible to know if such laws will continue into the future in the same way as in Iraq. For many years it was believed that the majority of such laws in Iraq were being enforced. However, new reporting from the British parliament and UN bodies, along with increased media coverage of these issues in Iraq, suggests that more and more cases of abuse and neglect, and of death threats, have come to light in Iraq since the last general election in June 2005, when Saddam Hussein’s son Saadi assumed power. Many of these cases of abuse and neglect have been investigated by UN agencies or by individual member states or even by civil society. They indicate the need for urgent action on these issues. Many of the abuses and neglect cases are being investigated by international legal organisations like the International Commission for Justice and Peace Research (ICJPPR) or by the UN International Human Rights Ombudsman in Baghdad. The Iraqi authorities can, therefore, do more to protect and support victims of abuse and neglect or to bring them to justice; and they can also begin to implement policies to stop these abuses and neglect. In addition to a wide-ranging programme of government efforts to investigate and try those responsible for human rights abuses, the 더킹카지노authorities should ensure that all families affected are properly informed about the procedures for family courts (the courts, co바카라사이트urts-martial and other judicial authorities for the determination of punishments in family disputes) and also the right to obtain information about the procedure for such families, and the penalties for failure to do gospelhitzso. The authorities should provide appropriate counselling to the affected families so that they can cope with the traumatic experience and the psychological effects of the case. It is important that all members of the family community accept their rights to complain about abusive practices in all their media, including by telephone and email. The authorities should ensure that all the families with whom a family dispute was brought together are fully informed about the legal processes that are available to them, and about the consequences of their failure to accept such processes. The authorities also need to keep records of cases of abuse and neglect, to ensure that each year they ensure that these cases are not repeated.
III. Government Actions and Rights Violation In March 2002, Iraq launched a new program of judicial investigations into the most serious abuses of human rights. This program came into force in early 2003 with a view to ensuring that abuse and neglect cases are dealt with quickly and to deter others from using this process to harass and bully family members who are not responsible for what happened to them